Athen School of Fine Arts (ASFA) was established in 12 January 1837, known as the School for the Arts. In the beginning the School of Arts included three departments: the Crafts’ School (part-time school), Industrial crafts’ School(full-time school) and Fine Arts School(full-time higher education).
The history of ASFA virtually coincides with the history of the modern Greek state. Throughout its long history, legendary and leading Greek artists representing many tendencies of fine arts, left their mark as members of the School’s teaching staff, thereby building the prestigious name of ASFA. Respectively, in the consciousness of the Greek citizens, the history of Modern Greek Art is attributed to ASFA.
ASFA consists of two (2) departments: the Department of Fine Arts, and the Department of Art Theory and History of Art. A turning point in ASFA’s evolution came in 1992, when the Greek state ceded ASFA the old textile factory of Sikiaridis family, at 256 Pireos street; a fine example of mid-20th century industrial architecture. After being renovated, it houses today all educational and studio activities of ASFA, the Library, the “Nikos Kessanlis” exhibition venue (2.318 m2), the “Giorgio de Chirico” Auditorium, the Theatre hall and the Cinema hall. Rectorial Authorities and Administration Services remain in the historical building, at 42 Patission street, where ASFA’s headquarters are officially located.
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